In IFR-A two joint recruitment projects are never alike. However our individual methods are very similar and all partners follow the same principles for selection. Consequently candidates will undertake very similar processes before being presented to you.
Process for joint recruitment projects:
- Analysis and definition of the position together with your dedicated local contact person
- Targeted search utilizing relevant parts of the entire IFR-A network of Food Professionals
- Screening of potential candidates done as close to the candidates as possible
- Assessment of chosen candidates by dedicated local contact person in accordance with your requirements
- Presentation, interviews, negotiations and onboarding facilitated by your dedicated local contact person
In every recruitment project it is our goal to make our process as effective as possible. Only value adding deviations from a single agency process are accepted, and through key contacts we ensure a high level of information and transparency for both you as customer and for the involved candidates.
Multi-lingual and multi-cultural – with IFR-A you will have partnership on a local level combined with international outreach. Gateways to international markets and international talent will be activated with focus on your special needs. We believe in the power of diversity. And we see our own diversity as a unique way to bridge international cooperation between companies and talents in the food sector.